How do I download a certificate?
Go to and click on the Login button.
Enter your email address and the password and thenclick the LOGIN button.
Go back to the main page by clicking on the Tecnosoft logo at the top left and at the bottom of the page, in the CERTIFICATE SEARCH field enter the serial number of your data logger and click on the magnifying glass.
Note: you can also search for only a portion of the serial number of the data logger. All serial numbers containing that string will be displayed. To find the serial number, refer to this FAQ.
The list containing all the certificates corresponding to the string entered will be opened. It is possible to have multiple certificates for the same serial number: they refer to past certificates. All certificates issued since 01/01/2019 are loaded, but there are also many of the certificates issued in previous years, from 2016 onwards.
Note: some certificates issued before January 2019 could be certificates issued before a repair Some possible problems can be found alone and after the repair The first certificate, invalid, could have important errors and can be easily identified because few days later it was issued a new one. In any case, before January 2019 the certificates obtained on paper and online are to be considered as backups.
To download the certificate you are interested in, click on the download symbol in the PDF column. The site will generate your certificate that you can download.
Click DOWNLOAD: based on your browser settings you can download the PDF file or open it directly in the browser.
Check out the other FAQs to learn how to save your favorite certificates and download multiple certificates at the same time.