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Reading multiple bay for high temperature, humidity and pression data loggers.

Universal multibay is the multiple connection bay used for downloading data and programming all models of high temperature data loggers, included the models for pressure (PressureDisk and Pirani Vacuum Logger) and humidity (RHTemp), plus the rotation logger Rotator. It allows to connect up to 5 data loggers of each supported model to be programmed and downoaded at the same time. It allows the communication between the data loggers and its management programs, SPD, TS Manager.


Multibay - USB drivers Windows Xp / Vista / 7
Multibay - USB drivers Windows 8 / 10

Main features

  • Easy to use
  • Connects up to 5 devices of any model to the software
  • Status LED
  • Shows battery status on software when logger is connected
Software&Mobile App SPD, TS Manager
Data loggers supported SterilDisk, P-Micro, S-Micro, S-Disk J, MicroW, L-Disk, RHTemp, PressureDisk, S-Radio, Pirani vacuum Logger,
Cable Included
Materials ABS, Rubber, Stainless Steel

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