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We enjoyed to test the resistance of our Tempstick! How? Watch the video!

Concrete maturation


In 2010, after the scandal of the Abruzzo public buildings collapse during the earthquake, Tecnosoft immediately started to develop a method to monitor the concrete in order to make sure that they didn’t use a poor quality material in building construction and therefore compromise the …

Data loggers must be programmed to be able to record. This means that the user must provide it with information on how to register. Therefore, a software that can be on a PC or on a mobile, an app, is used to send to the data logger the necessary information on how to perform the recordings.The main…

Do you know the difference between these two monitoring modes?There is a substantial difference, read below:- Continuous monitoring means monitoring typically of fixed systems (eg refrigerators) that has a start (installation) and ideally has no end. There is the need to save the data in cascade …

Cold Chain: Tecnosoft plays an important role!

The names of the devices that make up the innovative Tecnosoft real-time monitoring system, called DeepWave, may sound strange to you but have a very precise meaning. In fact, they all represent names of some celestial bodies present in our solar system, our home! We want to introduce you to the …

Do you know that it is essential to reduce the intensity of thermal shocks to defend and preserve the quality of food, pharmaceutical, medical and diagnostic products? Are you in this business and can’t provide reliable reporting? Haven’t you found a suitable system for your business …

Outside the small circle of professionals, there is a great deal of confusion about what pasteurization and sterilization are and what differentiates the two systems. Pasteurization and sterilization consist in heating a food to break down its bacterial load. Sterilization almost completely …

Merry Christmas


In the midst of difficulties, opportunities arise. Albert Einstein. From a single sentence we want to thank all our Customers and Partners at the end of 2020. It's been a very rocky year but thanks to your constant support and the birth of new collaborations we continue to design and improve.…

Tired of handling paper on your desks? Is the filing of paper certificates challenging? Finally it won’t be a problem anymore! From January 2021 Calibration Certificates will be fully online Beyond an ecological issue, we are convinced that this new mode will be much more manageable and …