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-3! Only 3 days at the end of the countdown for Tecnosoft's new real-time monitoring system. A new innovative radio system to record temperature, humidity and more with intuitive, complete and easy-to-configure software. Keep following the wave!

The countdown of Crew Dargon was a success and the moment was exciting: did you live it too? Tecnosoft invites you to follow another launch, next Thursday: that of its new real-time monitoring system. The wait is about to end!

The countdown has started and cannot be stopped! Not even on the weekend. The distance is long but the journey towards the discovery of a new system has passed the halfway point. Are you ready for the monitoring revolution?

We are halfway through our countdown: what system will it be? For now we can tell you that it is wireless and that it is dedicated to environmental monitoring. To find out more, keep following these waves.

The long-awaited launch of SpaceX's Crew Dragon yesterday was suspended due to bad weather. We look forward to returning to look to the sky and to see the new launch. In the meantime, the Tecnosoft countdown has not stopped and the new wireless system is about to land: only a week is left!

Today SpaceX will launch its Falcon 9 in space: its countdown is about to end, while that of Tecnosoft for our new monitoring system will continue until Thursday 4 June. Follow the flight of Falcon 9 and its Dragon Crew live and follow the birth of the new Tecnosoft wireless system on our social …

We have always been at the forefront of developing systems with new technologies. It is time to discover a new monitoring.

Today the countdown begins which will lead us to discover the new Tecnosoft system on June 4, 2020. What is it about? Stay connected on our website and on our social channels on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to follow the final countdown with us and find out which new system you will be transported…

New Dimensional Drawing for the temperature datalogger for autoclave and sterilsation processes validation: S-MicroW.

Next closures


We announce that Tecnosoft will be closed on June 1st and 2nd 2020. We will meet again on June 3rd to prepare for the presentation of the new system on June 4th!