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New defibrillator


Tecnosoft has always been attentive to the safety of its employees and customers.   For this reason, in addition to scrupulously following current regulations, we have equipped ourselves with a state-of-the-art defibrillator to ensure a safe environment.

Many of our environmental monitoring products are equipped with wireless systems.We all know that Wireless means the transmission of data without wires, but the technologies to achieve this can be very different and should not be confused! Find out all the details in the FAQ: …

With Tecnosoft you receive your DeepWave system, you put it into operation and it immediately connects to your LAN.   How do you do it? It's simple.   Ask our sales department to pre-configure your Internet connection on DeepWave. Our technicians will ask you for the data …

We are developing a new system for autoclave validation. It is expected to be released by the first quarter 2023. Follow us to find out what it is all about...

Do you want to learn how to use Tecnosoft data loggers and get the best data for your analytics? With Tecnosoft you can do it thanks to remote learning courses! We organise classroom and one-to-one courses on request. Ask about upcoming courses or request a customised course: …

PCTO are Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation. Our company strongly believes in young people and the transmission of knowledge. For this reason, we have been collaborating with various high schools for years on "Alternanza scuola-lavoro" programmes, now called PCTO. Last year, two …

Pressure Disk: with or without filter? Our Pressure Disk data logger is often used in the food industry to measure pressure conditions during production processes. In some cases, product particles settle inside the logger, making necessary the cleaning. That can damage the sensor. Solution? The …

Food sector: here comes the food technologist! This professional figure assists food companies in assessing the compliance of production processes with current regulations, thus ensuring the quality of the products that end up on our tables. Among the processes that are examined by the food …

Ultra freezers operate in extreme cold conditions, from -40°C to -140°C and beyond. A cold much more intense than we humans can imagine, and prohibitive even for most data loggers. Here are the data loggers equipped for missions in the ultra-cold: • S-MicroW L Ultra Freeze, if…

The Tecnosoft staff is taking a break.We are closed from 15th August to 16th August. See you on Wednesday, 17 August!