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A new version of the HumiPressureDisk software for PressureDisk, RHTemp and Pirani Vacuum Logger is available. Among the new features of this version: - Introduction of new languages: Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Ukrainian - Correction system for temperature and …

Do you want to know more about the Pirani Vacuum Logger, the origin of its name and the principle on which the sensor based on the German scientist is based? Read the new document on the logger page itself.

Tecnosoft announces that, as in all the weeks from the beginning of the emergency, this last week of April is and will remain open to resume at full capacity from 4 May. However, on Friday 1 May we will be closed for Labor Day.

Happy Easter!


Tecnosoft will be closed from the 9th till the 13th of april included. We wish you all a happy #Easter, even in these #troubledtimes.

Tecnosoft has wonderful friends all over the world!

Thank you!


Tecnosoft wishes to thank all of its friends around the world for their warm thoughts in this dramatic situation.

Tecnosoft signals to its visitors the free webinar promoted by our partner Vida - ayama entitled "Primary Ingredient Origin". Follow the link for details and registration. Visit the course section on the Ayama website for upcoming webinars. For more webinars and dates:

In these dark hours #Tecnosoftsrl is operative. We are in a lucky position compared to other realities. We have enough space so that each person can have a separate room or stay at a more than safe distance from his/her colleague. We don't have contact with the public and we can keep working as …

Tecnosoft is Prepared to Grant Maximum Levels of Security of the Systems We Deliver You. Our Personnel is Equipped With All Necessary Protection Devices to Face Even Present Emergencies and Is Trained to Prepare and Pack Your System Without Any Risk For the Recipient!

The device for monitoring extreme vacuum, the Pirani Vacuum Logger, is also the ideal tool for validating freeze-drying processes. It can be calibrated from -60 ° C and record pressures up to a thousandth of a mbar.